Monday, September 23, 2013

Quoted for Life


Today, seemed like a perfect 2nd day to welcome in the Autumn season. As I was sorting through my various files containing some wonderful inspiring quotes, I came upon this on.
Someone once said that: "The graveyard is filled with people who had great and wonderful ideas."
Why is that?
This quote made me think about where I intend to go with my writing. What is it that I hope to accomplish? Who do I want to reach?
Surprisingly, I discovered, that I would like to go down in history with a title to my name. I want to leave a legacy for my children and their children to be proud of.
Anne Rice even asked one time: "What do you want to be known for?"
I may be just starting out with my career, but I already know that I want to make a difference in the lives of others with my writing.
I think that's where you can not only find success, but fulfillment in life as well.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Writers Write.....Always!: Come On, I Promise This Part Won't Hurt!

Writers Write.....Always!: Come On, I Promise This Part Won't Hurt!: Okay, so here we are. My 1st Friday, starting anew! I've decided to do this the same way I do my personal writing- journals. It's ...

Come On, I Promise This Part Won't Hurt!

Okay, so here we are. My 1st Friday, starting anew!

I've decided to do this the same way I do my personal writing- journals. It's very effective, keeps me on my toes, too. The only difference is, I try to journal daily. With this blog, I'm shooting for Monday, and Friday.

So, today, I thought I'd start out by asking: WHEN DID I KNOW THAT I WANTED TO WRITE PROFESSIONALLY?

Major question.

Our youngest child was starting kindergarten, and what that meant to me was - Alone Time. But seriously, that's as far as I got, besides sleeping in later.

So the hubby, noticed that I had started writing lately, and asked the question, that changed my life forever. "Have you ever thought about trying to get your stories published?"

Now I knew how much I loved the written word, but it honestly never dawned on me to take it to the next level. So I started thinking - well why not? What can it hurt?

Next, I grabbed an unused notebook and a nice pen and started editing what I had already written. Little did I know that my horse was before my carriage. I had to back track and make a trip to Barnes & Noble and purchase my very first writing reference.

On Monday, come back to see which one I choose and what I got out of it!



Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Starting Over ..... Are You Serious?

Starting over, is NOT one of the easiest things to do!

It means that you have to admit that you've made a mistake. It may not be grave, but it is a mistake nonetheless.

And that brings me to the present. I could not understand why this site that I had worked so hard on, was not generating any sort of traffic. I knew that it had nothing to do with people's lack of reading, rather it was or is, lack of interest.

I was so excited to begin a blog, that I had not done enough homework, to see how to properly construct one up. What all it takes to keep interest.

So, I did the smart thing. I researched!

Yes, I did. Lots and lots of popular, and frequented author's blogs/websites. This helped me tremendously! When I look back at my prior blogs, I noticed how much they lacked, in humour, insightful information, and engaging topics. I needed to fix all of that.

And so, I came up with a game-plan that will hopefully shoot me in the right direction in achieving my goals.

I plan to blog about things that have helped me with my writing. How-To's, Blogging, Platforming , the Stress of Finding the Time to Write, Querying, Rejection slips, Making other writer/author friends, and anything else that I can think of, that I as a writer would find very beneficial.

I'm as always, open to helpful suggestions, not only in my writing, but in building a web presence, tips and tricks on writing ..... you name it.

I'm looking at trying to blog every Monday to start. And on Fridays to close.

Carmen P. Early