Thursday, June 27, 2013

Family support for my career as a writer, a must!

A few days ago, I decided to do my very first self-published children's pic book, "Red Hot Pepper". All four of my children love art and and pretty good at it, like my husband who is a graphic design artist by trade. Ever since I stated that I was striving to become a published author, they all wanted to jump on the band-wagon and assist me. I even had to explain to them that while I am constructing stories I am considered a writer. However, when the day comes that I become published, then and only then will I be able to adorn the name author. So my first project is with my 10-year-old daughter being my illustartor. My children may be doing it for fun, but they may never ever realize how their support of my career is to me. I am very grateful to them. One thing I learned coming into this profession is that receiving the right kind of support is vital to one's success.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I recently met an amazing woman. Our main common interest is that we are writers. She never intended to become a writer, but rather one day was compelled. Her first self-published book will have you hold on tight, until the last page. She spoke of how people who have read her true-life story, ask her "Why aren't you angry?" She'd then reply: "I was ...... for a very long time. But I've grown and moved on. You can forgive the pain done, but you will never forget it." She has inspired many in such a short time. I feel priviledged to have made her acquaintence.

Friday, June 7, 2013

From Those Before Us!

So today was wonderful for me! Several things unfolded that will change my writing for the better. First off, I ended up having a meeting with a fellow writer/author. I had been told about her as she was told about me as well. Speaking to her for the limited time that we had, gave me that feeling like we've known each other so for time. She took me through her journey to self-publishing using CreateSpace with Amazon. She also gave me pointers and tricks that helped her, as well as the reason why one evening she couldn't sleep and had to write.

I learned from the beginning that being a writer is not a socialable career choice. However today, being able to speak with that other author gave me a different out-look. That we as writers do not have to shut out the world. We can help one another, if we are not selfish, in obtaining and securing our own careers. I believe with my whole being that: we become better writers, by learning from those who have come before us!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Starting over, again!

Okay, so blogging ended up being my somewhat arc-nemesis. I never thought for even the slightest moment, that it would take me this long to finally figure it out. I have been asking folks to please check it out and shoot me a few pointers, but sadly - nothing. And that's actually okay. My hopes were 50/50.  But, here I am! I did it all by myself. Now on to the real purpose of this blog . . . . .to write!!!